Briefs- It is department which ministers in mission evangelism and outreach.

Activities are picked from Matt 28:18-20(The great commission of Jesu Christ)

Stake Holders of the mission department –

  1. Praise and worship
  2. Evangelist
  3. Ushers
  4. Intercessors
  5. Hospitality-team

Department activities

  1. Interceding (Mondays and Fridays – 7.00pm to 8.00pm
  2. Mission day ( Mission visits) – Orphanages, Hospital, Prison
  3. Evangelism and open air activities
  4. Praise and Worship practice – Saturday 6.00pm to 7.00pm
  5. Kesha every Friday of 3rd week of the month- 9.00pm to 12midnight

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